Common Question: Which is worst, small lies, or big ones?

The obvious and probably more popular answer would be big lies. The bigger it is, the worse it’ll make you feel, right? Wrong.

I think about it in a different way. Honestly, to me, it depends on what person it is. Say it’s someone I love, someone I’m close to. To me, a little lie would be worse coming from them than a big one. It could be about something as tiny as forgetting to load the dishwater, or saying that they didn’t break the bowl, when they did. It’s the little lies like that that hurt me, because if they can’t trust you enough to tell you the small things like that, then they must not trust you at all. It hurts to think that you’re not trusted, especially by someone close to you. And besides, who says that tiny lies like those can’t turn into big ones. The more someone lies about the little things, the more likely they are to lie about the big things later on.

Everybody lies, so I’m not pointing any fingers. This is just something that’s been on my mind lately, and it’s really been bothering me.


Oh, and check out my:
February 21st, 2011 at 06:39pm