First Entry (:

What's your dream? What would make your life complete?


To be a rock star. I love music, and I love performing music. My mom always says I wouldn't be able to do it because I'm afraid that someone would be better then me. Which isn't the case. I don't care if people are better then me. Everyone has their talent. I wouldn't be able to do it because I can't write music. I can write lyrics, but not music.

Maybe if I create a band, we could be like Motley Crue where someone besides the signer writes the music. I dunno. It wouldn't be very fun, I don't think. Well, who knows? I'm still young, maybe I'll develop the skill of writing music.

I would love to hear your dreams of what you want to do. I dunno, it just interests me.

February 22nd, 2011 at 02:08am