
This semester marks my fifth semester on the Talon Newspaper staff at school. During my time on staff we've won some pretty big journalism awards, and I'm proud to say I've helped accomplish the goals of the staff.
This year I was named the Opinions Editor, awesome, right?! I get to say what I want every month, and I get to be as opinionated as I want. Sounds like the dream position. It's not; not when your editor in chief is always mad at you. Yes, always.

This month, I was yelled at for about 10 minutes because my section should be the first to be done, and instead it was the last because we were waiting on a cartoon. First off, I don't draw the cartoon's, and the rest of the section was done. Obviously, it's out of my control. Second off, people put off their writing for opinions until last, so how can it be done first? Third off, EVERYTHING else in the section was done. Fourth off, the girl who normally draws the cartoons was in the Bahamas, I tried to make one, said I couldn't, and YOU, YOU said you would, sorry you didn't, not my fault.

Point being, I'm sick of being yelled at for shit that's not my fault.
I'm a good editor, and I know it. Stop being a bitch to me, you conceited whore.

Alright, forgive me.
February 22nd, 2011 at 04:57am