Mother Nature hates my city. 6.3 earthquake 7 months after the 7.1, 65 confirmed dead and so much damage :(

So just 7 months after the huge 7.1 magnitude earthquake in September my city, Christchurch in New Zealand, was hit with a massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake.

Even though this one was smaller it's caused ten times more damage then the other one because it was shallower and closer (only 5km under ground and 10km from the CBD). So far there has been 65 confirmed dead and hundreds of injuries. The cathedral, a favourite and iconic landmark in the city, has collapsed. It's really upsetting because that was such a beautiful church and now it's destroyed.

This was it before:

And this is it now:

It's so sad. :(

Everyone I know is fine, one of my friends had 10kg of steel land on his arm but he's ok. I screwed up my neck trying to fix things in my room, but otherwise no one I know is hurt. We can't get in contact with my uncle but we really hope he's ok! My dad was working in town right near where it happened but he got out ok! He went round to my Oma's and she was freaking out, but they got her to my aunties so she should be fine. And Jesse's mum and gran were in the mall which partly collapsed, they had to run for their lives and witnessed many people get badly injured and saw some people in body bags :(

I'm fine too, I was at my friend, Jacinda's house and we sat on the floor crying and shaking for half an hour or so. Couldn't get in contact with my boyfriend, Jesse, for about two hours which scared the crap out of me. He's fine though as I said before, talked on the phone for 5 mins :( but yeah. The news just scares me so much. I was fine last time but this time I'm just a mess, every aftershock makes me want to die, it's so terrifying :( I'm ok though!!

AH F*CK! Another one just hit right then!!!!! ARGH :(

Ok all good lol :)... sorry freak out moment!

It was so much worse this time because the city was already weakened and being during the day (right at lunchtime) everyone was out and about, whereas last time in was 4 in the morning so no one was hurt!

My thoughts go out to everyone who has been affected by this, it's such a tragic time and we're all so shaken that this would happen again! And RIP to the 65 confirmed dead and any other poor people, plus good luck to everyone trapped in buildings!

I'll levae you with some more pictures:





And if anyone wants updates you can go to the site: TVNZ. There's so more pics there, some too much for me to put on here :(

Love you guys!!

PS. Sorry for any mistakes, my hands are still shaking :(
February 22nd, 2011 at 07:05am