
The first earthquake to strike Christchurch, the city I live in happened at 4:34 am on the morning of September 4th. I awoke to violent shaking and the noise of my water and sewer pipes bursting in my house. The whole street gathered to exam the damage done. The street was laden with cracks quickly beginning filled with water from the burst pipes. Everyone made the decision to leave our houses for safety else’s where.

Later on that day I returned to my with my family to gather clothes so I could sleep elsewhere. Driving through the small suburb outside of Christchurch everything looked so much different then I was used to having lived here for many years. Houses had chimneys cracked and fallen down, huge piles of sand covered areas where grass once lay, liquefaction had occurred in most places, making homes sink into the ground.

When we reach my house I’m shocked to see all the ground covered in water almost knee deep, the house was all crocked having sunk in on its self.
Several months after we still felt aftershocks from the earthquake.

December 26, Boxing day. A massive aftershock happened on this day while I and a friend we’re shopping in one of the malls. Everything began to shake as we were walking down an isle; thing’s fell off shelves, lights fell from the ceiling. Screams could be heard from everywhere my friend and i clung to each other in fright trying to get away from the falling objects.

22nd February 12:50. Another earthquake has striked us, this time there’s death. At the moment the death toll is 65. Buildings collapsed on themselves while people we’re still in them, fires have broken out and boulders have fallen from the hillside. Aftershocks continue to hit us, causing more damage.

This is just a ataste of what I've been going through.
February 22nd, 2011 at 07:25am