Feb 2011 Update

Wow, i've only been on here for just about a month and my stories seem to be doing great. It's a great feeling. On the works, I have many other stories that are put up. If you have quizilla, check my profile to find my quizilla name and i've got all these stories up. Except certian ones are completed and even have completed sequels. I've got a few more on the works and they all seem to be grand. If any of you have ideas of what I should write about, or an idea for a character that I could add in to a story, or any uplifting words - please send them my way. This last month has been very stressful on me and writing has come to a stand still some days when I can't think of anything. I'd love for some feedback, support and love. Thanks ya'll
February 23rd, 2011 at 03:34am