I just want a hug :( Huggles??

I'm just feeling incredibly lonely right now I guess. I'm trapped at home because they don't want us to do any unnessicary travelling and plus it's kinda 10 at night, so that would be silly anyway. My whole families home with the earthquake thing so we've just been sitting in front of the TV watching the news about that, it's so upsetting.

Few quick stats:
75 confirmed dead.
300 missing.
People trapped in one building, probably around 30 people, one is a friends close friend.
26 story building on the brink of collapse
Area's evacuated due to flooding, gas leaks and a cliff that might collapse.
Estimated costs of it all like $16 billion :(

But otherwise it's been alright. Seen a few people get rescued and that brings a smile to my face.

Some people have been really insenstive on facebook though. One girl updated saying how she went looting and was now pissed, how everyone thought they had it bad but at least she could go toilet and actually flush and that "sucks to be a dead person ae". So heartless. Can't believe I even know her!

I guess I'm just mostly upset because my boyfriend and I haven't really been in contact. His cellphone is down, his mum doesn't want him to use the homephone incase they get other calls and he's hardly on facebook because his sister is using it 24/7. :( We talked for about 5 mins just before be he had to go to dinner, made me real upset. But then I realized I'm just being selfish because people have it so much worse then me!

I just want a hug. Mainly from him. But anyone would be good! Or someone to talk to. About anything! Not just the quake ae.

Oh and I'm bored so if anyone wants a Beta or someone to read their stuff I'm open to doing that :) something happy though maybe? Cheer me up a bit :D

I love all the support you guys are giving NZ it's really awesome! Thanks so much, we appreciate it to the point you can't even believe.
February 23rd, 2011 at 10:06am