aha! i don't know what to do!

Okay so basically. . . i used to go out with this guy named jenson. Everything was fine for the first two weeks.
Until he started saying 'i love you', i mean come on he is only 13!

* He hasn't lived long enough to know what love is. *

That and he says that to every single girl he goes out with or asks out! How do i know this? You may be wondering.
Well its simple.

=_= He has tried to kiss so many of my friends and has also asked many of them out and he doesn't know a single thing about them!

ANY WAYS! back to the point.
After that things got a little weird between us (or at least for me any ways) and things started to go down hill after that. About a week or two after that he dumped me.

During lunch.
In the middle of the cafeteria.
With a bunch of other people there.

Any way that's not my point. My point is that next year he his going to start going to my high school. I always try to avoid him only because. . . he erks me. I don't hate him i just really really dis-like him on SO many levels.

now i am not sure if any one is going to actually read this but if you are or have can you please. . . i don't know in-box me. send me an e-mail, or just post a comment or something on what i could do.

Or just what you would do if this situation happened to you.

Any ways that's all i got to talk about so see ya later!

February 23rd, 2011 at 03:37pm