This is what My Chemical Romance make me believe

I've learnt a lot recently. Who your real friends are, who aren't. I've learnt a lot about myself as well. This is my life lesson and my advice to other people who need it. Someone said something to me today and it really made me think about a lot of stuff.

I get bullied for being me. I've had enough of it. When I'm on my own, my only escape is writing. I've taken to writing stories more than I have songs. I could care less what anyone says to me about it. I let my fingers to the talking and my brain just goes into relaxation mode.

I listen to My Chemical Romance when I write. You wanna bully me about it then fine. Your opinions mean nothing to me really. I'm happy being who I am and I don't need others to tell me how to live my life. I write because I want to and not because anyone has made me. When I write I'm free. When I write, I can do whatever.

I live in my own world because it's the only safe place I have for me. I listen to music to enjoy myself and I listen to music to be free, not because I'm being forced.

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
No one is perfect, nothing is perfect and this is going to be full of quotes like these because I take these quotes to heart. I look passed all the crap that's happened and move on. I'm happiest writing, being with those that I love and listening to music.

“Your going to come across a lot of shitty bands, and a lot of shitty people. And if anyone of those people call you names because of what you look like, or because they don't accept you for who you are. I want you to look right at that motherf****r, stick up your middle finger, and scream F**K YOU!"
I remember being in school when I first heard that. I wrote it down and carried it everywhere with me.

“When we first started out I had a really big issue and a lot of my loved ones had a really big issue with the fact that I was totally in pain up there and there was a time when I tried to hurt myself off stage, but I got over that. Like, you should never want to hurt yourself. You should love yourself. Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself and become a new person and I think that that is going to be a lot of what the next record is about, not to plug it or anything. Like, it's going to talk about dying and coming back to become what you totally want to become. We are all becoming what we want to become.”

<span>Take these quotes. Even if you hate MCR and stop and think about who you really are, who you wanna be and make the most of it. Fuck the hate. Fuck the labels. Be you and be original. No one is stopping you but you.

I learned that the hard way and now I wish I knew it before. I went 17 years with no self confidence. Then I found Music and I found MCR and I felt happy again. Who cares what music you listen to and how you dress because at the end of the day, the people who hate you are insecure and don't know what their missing out on being friends with you. Even if you hate me and you read this, just take these words to heart and stop and think. Make up with old friends, have fun and live your life to the fullest you can make it.

Quotes courtesy of Gerard Way
February 23rd, 2011 at 09:20pm