Passed It!

I got a call yesterday from my doctors office, but I missed it. They left a message saying to call back, but when I did, they were closed. SO, I called today, and I passed my glucose test! I do not have gestational diabetes! =D I do, however, have a UTI, which sucks, but it's better than gestational diabetes!

On another note, I am twenty-nine weeks today! Eleven more weeks to go! And only four more weeks until the baby shower, which is March 20th. So many things to buy and do! Lol.

Sullivan is a little puncher/kicker! When Josh and I got back from hanging out with some friends last night, we laid down to watch a movie. I was laying on my right side so I was cuddling up to him, and while doing so, Sullivan was just punching my left side and kicking my ribs, since he is head down now. It was so amazing to see and feel!

-- Kristyn Webb
February 23rd, 2011 at 09:48pm