Ideas That Make Sense to Me

... and most of the time only me. But I wanted to share them anyway. (:


Grounding is another way to say "walking around outdoors barefoot." In modern societies, most people wear shoes outdoors almost all of the time. And when they aren't wearing shoes, they're standing on pavement or floorboards or carpet, which doesn't allow them to connect to the earth.

When you practice grounding, you'll notice right away that it makes you feel great. Alive, joyful, and free. There's a reason for this. The scientific facts about grounding are simple: It lets our body tap into the electric current of the earth, giving it the balance of energy it needs.

To practice grounding, you have to feel the earth beneath your feet. Take off your shoes and socks, then go walk around in your yard, the park, the beach, or wherever you can find a beautiful patch of earth. Feel the grass between your toes, and really connect yourself to the earth. Be conscious of each step, and be confident about it. Don't go around on your tip-toes, dodging sticks and stones. Embrace the ground with your feet!

Feng Shui

A couple definitions of feng shui are: rules in Chinese philosophy that govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to patterns of yin and yang and the flow of energy (qi); the favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into consideration in designing and siting buildings and graves and furniture and Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi. The original designation for the discipline is Kan Yu (literally: Tao of heaven and earth).

So basically, it's an architectural, interior designing, and psychological job all at once.

In feng shui, colors are important. Red is passion and vitality, orange is social and abundance, yellow is friendliness and fresh, green is nurturing and growth, blue is responsible and reassuring, black is mysterious and creative, and white is purity and elegance.

Bringing nature into the home is also an example of feng shui. Putting a water fountain, rocks, flowers, plants, trees, etc. inside your home is meant to improve life and balance the energy, or "qi".

Moving furniture, creating more space, and considering the factors of direction, sunlight, and astronomy are also factors. The overall purpose of feng shui is to bring positive energy, relieve the home of toxins, create space for negative energies to "clear out", and improve emotional life as well as balancing the flow of energy. It's some really interesting stuff. I've done a lot of it lately, and it has improved the feel of my home so much and how I feel inside my home. Truly, it is incredible how much it effects people; even visitors can feel the shift of energies positively.

Getting Sunlight

When I was mentally ill, I absolutely hated sunlight. It sounds silly, but I know for a fact that it happens to a lot of people. I was afraid of pulling back the curtains on my windows, I didn't like going outside when it was bright. This lack of sun contributed to my poor health a lot.

So many people these days are against sunlight. They say things like it causes blisters, burns, and cancer. And I agree. These things are true, but they don't happen because of sunlight, they happen because of the lack of sunlight.

Most people stay inside for most of the day, or cover up their skin with clothing, or use sunscreen... so they aren't used to getting a lot of sunlight. If they were outside in the sun every day, they wouldn't get burns or blisters or cancer. It's important to get sunlight. It's one of the only ways to give your body vitamin D, it helps depression, and it soothes anxiety. It improves eyesight as well.

And best of all, it gives your skin a lovely, healthy glow. No more pasty, sickly white!

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So yeah, those were my "ideas that make sense to me" of the day. They've helped me so much, so I thought... why can't they help other people too? I hope at least someone got something out of this. (:
February 23rd, 2011 at 10:01pm