My life as i know it.......

Well it kinda sucks...i know other people go through the same exact thing but i really just dont know how to handle things right now with as bad as they have gotten.
Especially within the past 4 months.
In the beginning of November, my best friend died to suicide. It has been really, really hard for me to handle. I was a complete mess for the first two months. I an just now starting to get emotionally stable, but i really just don't know how to handle all of the stress. With my dad being the way he is about Kim and then this, and school...and money issues....yeah....just everything.
Although i am someone that likes to look on the bright side of every situation, there just haven't been many situations to look on the bright side about.
I hide my worry and my stress so that people around me dont worry about me. But it's getting harder and harder by the day to hide it. The stress just keeps getting stronger and stronger...
February 23rd, 2011 at 10:10pm