To the Draco's Diary readers.

So, school is kicking my ass.
I must formally apologize for my odd updating schedule...
Even though there is no schedule whatsoever.
Scattered updates upset me when I am reading a story, so I know what you all must be feeling.
I solemnly regret this, but do not give up!
There is more to come, more drama to happen, more souls to be crushed...
But, uh, the last one... Not so much.
I'm making myself a deadline.

I will update once a day for eight days starting today.
So look out for it.
And please, please comment.
Half of this motivation comes from my desperate want of your comments.

And, if you'd like, new character set-up?

Because I know that Noah, was not a very substantial character, it didn't seem like he had any depth. That was my fault.


So comment on this journal if you think that something should happen, something CRAZY!
or if you think that someone should show up, someone you haven't seen in a while, someone new, someone that has been mentioned but not seen.
Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!
February 23rd, 2011 at 10:46pm