The Guys In My Life

Alright, well just two of them. We are just... haveing problems. I just seem to have issues with relationships in general. Or maybe it's all in my head. Who knows.
-->First off, there's my boyfriend, Morgan. We will be dating for a year next week. March 2nd. He's taking me out to dinner at this really nice restaurant that I bought a new dress for and such, and we're fine I guess. But lately.. we've just been sort of distant. I don't know if it's just me, but it bothers me that we almost never talk anymore. This week is February break, and we havn't had a phone conversation in like 3 days. That doesn't sound like a long time, but it is. Considering the last time we talked I was a bit of a bitch to him. I don't know why I was, but.. I was just mad at him. Just because. Well, not completely, but it's hard to put into words. I don't know. During that convo, he had said that sometimes he feels like he doesn't treat me as good as he should. I agree with him, to a point. Looking at the lovey relatioinshipy point of view, he's perfect. He's adorable. He's sweet and a total dork. He likes to just sit with me on the couch for hours talking, watching tv, and kissing. It's great. But then, looking at the.. I don't know what aspect you would call it. Just the other aspects. But he's a little.. lacking. He blames forgetting things on his awful memory, but I'm getting sort of sick of it. Write it down, have someone remind you, something! And would it hurt to call me beautiful or compliment me for real sometimes? This leads me to the second guy..
-->Giovanni. I met him on of all things, chatroulette. It was about a month ago, give or take. He lives in Switzerland and we have a 6 hour time difference, but we talk over skype most days. It's just nice to have someone there who doesn't judge, and really thinks something of me. Not that the poeple i'm close to don't think something of me, it's just different with someone you just randomly met. He just likes the way I am. His dream is to come to America. He wants to meet me. Maybe I shouldn't encourage it, but it's nice. He calls me beautiful and baby and thinks that I'm just all around great. Don't worry, I've made it clear to him that I've got a boyfriend, but we still talk. It's not like it's really going to go anywhere. Especially the last few days. Giovanni and I were on skype and were just talking, but I noticed he wasn't as happy as usual. I told him to smile and was trying to cheer him up, and he said "I love you" like he always does, and I said "I know. Too much." and we were talking and he thinks that I am going to want to break off the communication once I realize that he loves me more and more every second. That's what he said. I do love him.. Just not the way he wants. Okay, bottom line -- he thinks that he screwed things up with me and Morgan. I've tried to convince him that things were already screwey before he came around, but he won't listen. And things aren't the same with Giovanni and I anymore either. It just sucks. And I needed somewhere to vent. /: So thanks to all who gave this insanely long journal a glance.
February 25th, 2011 at 01:08am