
So heres the thing, i think i have okay beliefs, or whatever. I mean its not like im super smart and can just argue them all but if you're reading this, keep reading? I want to know if im wrong, im obviously to scared to come out with all of this but i mean, someones gotta listen. Alright so here i go, i think the words luck, faith and hope are all for losers. I don't believe in luck, You make your own luck in this world, if you want something bad enough, you go out and find a way to accomplish it no matter what. If you really want it, theres always a way to get it. I hate people who complain. Is that crazy? I mean bitches that complain about not having a boyfriend or being fat. Get the fuck over it. If your fat its most likely because you over-eat. So cut back on the doughnuts and work out. If you don't have a boyfriend, then idk, im terrible with relationships. But just think about all the things you have, not the things you don't. There are SO many people out there who would DIE for the things we take for granted, and its not fair. More often than not we take our health for granted, and our parents, and the home we live in, when people around the world are dying. Shouldnt we be more thankfull? Imagine all the time we spend, complaining about the smallest things, when people are starving, and dying from illness, people just need to wake the fuck up and realize if people would KILL for your problems. and do they complain? yes. does anyone listen?
February 25th, 2011 at 09:45am