This Mystery...

Does true love exist? I have no clue. You might say yes because you're in a relationship. Because, he tells you that he loves you every night. And you will certainly say yes if you believe that he has never betrayed you and will never do so but, is that true love? How can you tell?

Why is it that on 02.14.11 your man tells you words such as "I love you forever baby"... the same axact words that he have said to his ex-girlfriend on 02.14.10? Why is that a father abandons her daughter after saying that he loves her? How come right after saying that you're the only one, your boyfriend goes and get laid with another girl? Why is it that despite the fact that she has just made a pact with you saying "Together Forever" your friend betrays you in a manner so cruel that she is now the worst ennemy you ever had? Why is it that after having been friends since childhood, your best friend abandons you and erases you forever of her life pretending she never loved you when you both know that a boy is behind this? Why is it that year after being married, your wife reveals that this child is not your son? Why do others murder their loved ones? Why do they raped their children if they love them? I mean, why put people through so much pain and suffering just to express something that is suppose to be magical and wonderful?

Accordingly to what I just said, let me now try to define love: It is much more than a risk, it is the fact that you are giving to others the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to. It's a way for human beings to feel special. It is a beautiful lie filled with illusions that contains drops of truths invented to never fade away.. Drops of truths that we call "Memories". Pretend that this is the current definition of love, where is the "Happy forever and ever" part? Why is it that the love that is being said, the love that is being seen on movies, the love in which we believe is not the same as the one we actually have? Oh and what is "True Love" ? Is there a difference between "True Love" and "Just Love" ???

True love is in my opinion the need to feel loved. The need to have that body in our bed. The desire to always hear that voice all the time. The belief that without that person we cannot survive. The certainty that only that one person can complete us and do our happinesss in a way that even after our death if they tear our heart, they'll be able to read in big letters: "I BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE". Love on the other hand, is precisely what we have: This lie that we have in our bed, these fake kisses that we offer.This false voice without which we feel bad. This heart breaking that we believe we have after discovering that he/she never really meant these three words "I Love You".

Do you think you have already known love? True love? If yes, are you still sure? Do you really think that this beautiful dream in which you live will never end? Do you really think that without this person your life has no meaning? I mean, what about before when you did not even know him/her? Do you really think that the heart that you said was broken by this other person can now be repair by someone else? And if you do not believe in true love, not even love? Do you think that you are right not to believe? Or do you wish that one day will come when you will believe in it true love and actually find it?

I am in this situation where for 18 years all I did was looking for at least Love, which as you can see I've never find and will never find. I believe in poetry, I believe in Friendship, I believe in lies, I believe in my family, I believe in bad and good feelings. I believe that if love does exist then I can make it to the end and hypothesize a fact. I believe that if I do find "True Love", I will swear on an emotion that science will not be able to explain, not even to understand. I believe in each tear that I dropped for a so-called loss of love. I believe in sex, I believe in passion, I believe in Obssession, in addiction. I believe in murder, I believe in masturbation. I do not believe in broken hearts but I believe in internal bleeding. I believe in the color Pink, I believe in virtual learning, I believe in my imagination, I believe I can dream. However, I do no believe in those dreams because I still don't understand the reason of my existence. I do not believe in men, I do not believe in suicide. I do not believe in writters but I do believe in the power of words. I believe in the existence of something, something strong that nobody can define, a figment of my illusion, something that comes and goes like a bird, something that us human beings cannot take control of, something that some call "Love", others call "True Love"... Something that I call "Mystery".

By: Sandy La Rose.
February 26th, 2011 at 05:48am