I'm a terrible, terrible girlfriend...

My boyfriend has been in rehab for a month now. He should be coming back next Wednesday.

His sobriety should be a big priority for the both of us. I'm the only connection he has to the world outside of rehab but I haven't been there for him lately.

The last time he called me was Sunday. It was at 1:00 in the morning in New york time (I was there) but 10 in Oregon. I missed his call. He didn't call at all this week until today. And I missed it again.

I feel absoloutely awful. I know I need to be there for him for thosse 7 minutes we can talk but I haven't been. I miss him so much and I feel terrible. Letters aren't allowed, I can't go visit and they aren't allowed on the web (obcviously).

I NEED to talk to him. But I can't...All I get is maybe 20 minutes or less a week put together. I'm so lonely without him. But this isn't about me really. I'm supposed to help him through his treatment by being the comfort outside of it...and I'm doing really badly at it.

I haven't talked to him this week. I can't describe how guilty and sad I feel. I want to be with him and I know Wednesday isn't far away but I want him to know that I want to be there for him and how sorry I am that I haven't been.

I love him so much and I hope he knows that.
February 26th, 2011 at 07:18am