Americans, Irish Scenery, Cows and Boredom.

Oh my god, I think I might go mad. It's almost the end of midterm, and the last time I saw anyone my age was last Saturday. I'm stuck here in the countryside with my somewhat strange family, surrounded by cows, rolling green hills, and the sea. I am so isolated! We've just got internet, and I've happily tuned in to Facebook, and I'm greeted by messages saying "Had great time shopping today, wish you were there :(". Now, they did text me asking if I was home, but I had told them that I was going to the countryside with my family instead, oh the joys! Now, this place is great in Summer, half the country is here in Summer, but right now, at the end of February, it's miserable.

I don't get why tourists, especially American ones (Hi lads!), love our scenery so much. It's just hills and lakes and ocean, and most of the time there's a nice blanket of grey covering the sky. Not very exciting. I was recently walking along some cliffs and came across these two lovely American people. They're accents were just fascinating! I was with my chatty mother and a conversation unfolded. They explained that they have Irish ancestors (No surprise there, a lot of Americans seem to have Irish decent? :P), and they told my mother that they wished the ancestors had stayed in Ireland, that we had lovely scenery and the people were friendly and all this.

Now, my mum and I had just been back from New York. God, that is the best godamn city in the world! We loved it, and want to go back there everyday. Isn't that funny? How the Americans wanted to be in Ireland and we wanted to be in America?

Well, like they say, the grass is always greener on the other side.
February 26th, 2011 at 05:34pm