Leave your Tumblr links!

Alright, just because I'm so stupid, I accidentally clicked the Google button, and this page went away after I had written this long journal. Thankfully, I had copied it...then, I copied something else, and this was gone. -.-

Anyways, I was just ranting about how much my braces hurt. I've got a power-chain on the top, and rubber bands. They hurt like I don't know what. D: But, I got a different color this time. They're pale blue. :D

I'm a huge Tumblr user, so I'm gonna promote so awesome dudes. (If you'd like to follow me, well...go right ahead. ;D I follow back. :D This is me. :3) So, you should check out these awesome people. They're some great people. :D

Tatiana. :D

Libby. :D

Moriah. :D

Sami. :D

Yep. You better follow them, because they're just so awesome! :D

So, I'm super excited, because Tuesday's three days away, and that's when I get to see Nick. :'D This is really bad. Tuesday night's like the only thing I look forward to every week. That can't be healthy. But, he just makes me really, really happy. And, you guys are never going to believe what I found out!

Well, I go to an online school, right now, but this August, I'm going to a public school. And, I've never been to public school! Well, I have, actually. I went in '04, for my first grade year, for like...two months. Then, I had a go-cart wreck, and my teacher was extremely mean, so I didn't go there anymore. Then, I was home-schooled until fourth grade. In fourth grade, I went to a private school where everyone was family, except me, and there were 12 people in the whole building. I despised it. So, now, in August, I'm going to public school! And, call me weird, but I'm totally excited. I'm just going to love getting up, getting ready, doing school work there, and going to talk to friends, and stuff. I'm such a moron. xD

But, the whole reason I told you guys all that is because I think Nick's going to the same school I am next year! We wouldn't be in the same grade, of course, because of us being a year and a half apart. But, we could see each other at lunch, and in the halls, and such. You know? I'm not 100% he's going there next year, but I'm hoping so. Wouldn't that be so awesome? I wouldn't have to live for Tuesdays, every week, anymore. Oh, that would be so amazing.

And, one more thing about him, you guys remember how he added me on Facebook? Well, I found out his birthday is March 6th. I hope he mentions it's coming up Tuesday, so I can wish him a happy birthday. :'3 But, I will on the day of it, on his wall, anyways. But, still, it'd be awesome to, in person. xD

Alright, well, I guess that's it. If you guys leave your Tumblr link's in the comments, I'll follow you. :'D
February 26th, 2011 at 09:47pm