The Legend Of The Sneakers

It was one gloomy day in Detroit, Michigan and Chad was walking home from school. Now Chad isn't the type of kid that gets in fights and it was on this particular that while he was walking home, he saw a kid getting picked on by a bunch of bullies, so Chad being the person he is decided to jump in and help this kid. So he jumps in and shouts at the bullies, "why are you picking on him ? what did he ever do to you!?" Then one of the bullies comes over to Chad and says "hey kid...!" Whack! and Chad got punched in the face, knocked out cold. Chad wakes up later that night in the hospital not knowing how he got there, he couldnt even remember what happened. To his surprise was the kid he saved earlier during the fight. "do i know you ?" says Chad to the kid. "yeah, you saved me earlier on when those bullies were picking on me" says the kid. "my name is DeShawn, thank you, no-one has ever stuck up for me before, i owe you man, anything i'll do it!" "nah nah bro it's cool, just helping out people that need it." "no no, i have to, you practically saved my life" says DeShawn.
"well, you could help me out finding a place, if that's alright with you ?" "no problem!, i know just the place i think you might like it." DeShawn says as he smiles.

this is the start of my story so far, please tell me what you think :)
and tell me if you want to read the rest and i shall continue :)
February 28th, 2011 at 03:30pm