My arrival--err--My first day of Mibba

warning: minor swearing just thought I'd let you know X3

Wow, today's the day. I'm officially--a two or three hours old on Mibba. I'm pretty surprise I've gotten comments welcoming me which leads me to think that I will learn to love this site with all my creative heart and hopes. (really thanks to all who have welcomed me, it really means a lot!) Haha, or maybe that's just me being weird and crazy. Probably just me being weird.

My first thought of it was a little odd seeing that my friend Emmy brought up the site when we were at her house today. She mentioned a story that was music related between A7X and MCR. I think the character was M Shadow's sister--Not completely sure but anyways.

I think she mentioned this site today in study hall too. I was a little iffy on it because well she mentioned that there were real life fan fiction like with you know real people such as Band Members (she told me she was reading A7X fan fiction lol and I felt a little odd about it because I've never really written anything like that, the closest I was to that was writing Toby Hemingway being Draco Mal-- Uhh let's just ignore that for the time being huh?)


Well then she showed me the website at her house today. She searched "The Covenant" In the little story portion of the site and we read (Well she read it out loud) a story which was well, interesting to say the least. Well anyways It made me feel like i should grace this site with my presence. No I'm kidding lol, I don't think myself as much of a good writer anyway.

I write as a coping method. It makes me feel better and allows me to escape the reality I run away from.

I suppose I should introduce myself.

I liked to be called Danie, just plain and simple I suppose. I'm a seventeen year old girl, I'll be eighteenth a month from this day so March 28th. I'm from America obviously east coast to be semi specific. Hell okay well If this was earth-16 (In the DC universe; according too Young Justice [that adorable cartoon probably on Cartoon Network--i dunno i watched it on youtube lol]) I'm from the State where Gotham supposedly is.


Yes, I'm a big DC fan, Batman=my favorite superhero ever! And when I saw the map on the episode of Young Justice called "Schooled" I was dumbfounded and literally had a happy spasm.

Anyway beside the DC Universe. I also enjoy The Covenant a movie that came out in 2006 but I saw it freshmen year of High School so three years ago maybe I dunno but it was a movie that brought me and my best friend Monica closer together. We actually wrote a story together found on Fan fiction [dot] net however--I will never give that link to anyone because it is a really bad story. Like seriously I am embarrassed to even have written that with her. We both sorta look down upon it. Then we started RPing together and yeah haha you just don't forget RP buddies I suppose since we do it to this day.

Actually it's pretty funny. Before I saw the Covenant I was a big Harry Potter fan. I mean I still am, you just don't forget the first thing you wrote Fan Fiction for (even if it was horrible fan fiction because you were only 12 years old and had horrible, and I mean horrible grammar). I loved Draco Malfoy and Tom Felton. I thought he was the hottest guy ever freshmen year--until i saw the Covenant and decided that not only was Toby Hemingway (Reid Garwin in the Covenant) was hotter but also a better Malfoy than Tom Felton--I disowned Tom Felton as the playby of Draco Malfoy and put Toby Hemingway in his place... Yes I know that's unethical and just absolutely horrible. But I did it. Toby is my Draco Malfoy and continues to surprise me because well, have you seen his new IMDB picture? It just screams Malfoy.

Okay enough about that Okay we've gone over The DC Universe, The Covenant, Harry Potter (There's more to me than a Draco Malfoy fan girl, no I actually enjoy the series since I was able to read it and yet again--escape reality), what else is there?


I'm really into Buffy the Vampire Slayer again. I used to love watching it when I was younger when it was actually on the WB lol. Well I'm really into it again because, thanks to my handy dandy Netflix account, I can actually watch it! I watched up to season five completely. Season six I kinda skipped a few episodes because I didn't wanna see someone's death though you do see it in Season Seven which I am on now with all the potentials and such.

Buffy is how Vampires should be and I'm not trashing Twilight--maybe a little but I've read the books so don't think I'm bashing something I have no idea about 'cause I do... But I grew up with Buffy and Angel and well the Buffyverse so yeah.

But don't worry all you Twihards out there. My mother who was also a big Buffy fan is currently a Twilight Mom so yeah she doesn't bash it. She once grounded me because I--Okay just kidding her enjoyment of the books aren't that bad--but she has reread the books several time and has all this Twilight merch and shit.

Oh... I dunno if I should say who my favorite characters are--eh I'll do at the end of this little entry since this going on wayy too long, I suppose this has turned out to be a little--a lot about me huh? Well the more people who know me the better I suppose.


Okay this is a complex topic--maybe if i make it that way.

My favorite band was Fall Out Boy, but since they aren't together anymore I don't consider them a Band. They're all working on different projects and honestly I've only seen Patrick's Stump's new stuff. I guess I'm a big FOB fan that i thought I was...

Those who don't know of them... I'm not surprised. They're a Nerd Rock band from Seattle, WA. And they're amazing. They're lyrics are catchy and amazing. But maybe I just think that because I'm a very big nerd at heart. I think my favorite songs by them are "Great Lake Avengers," "Roll Over," "Ring Capacity," "On and On," and "Going Home."

Yeah if you're a big comic book fan and a video game nerd you should check them out.

I'm an Alternative Rock type of girl. I do tolerate most music except rap. I can't stand it -- something about it possibly the crude lyrics some use and the degrading of woman some use is what does it but I don't know. I suppose I'm closed minded when it comes to Rap but if anyone wants to promote their favorite Rap Artist then go ahead as long as they don't degrade women and they don't talk about sex drugs and drinking... then go ahead and send me a link or something of them and I will check them out.

My band's list is limited--as I am not really into learning about new bands (Though i'm being a bit hypocritical because i just learned of Kirby Krackle recently) I'm critical of bands really. If I don't like the melodies of the song or the lyrics I just toss them out the window lol.

Okay I think I'm going to finish this up because it's way longer than I wanted it to be.

Favorite Characters

h a r r y p o t t e r s e r i e s
the golden trio
Neville Longbottom
Lee Jordan
Tonks (or should I say Lupin? Well both--all three of them lol)
Loony Luna Lovegood
all of the Weasleys (especially Gred and Forge)--except Fleur;; and Maybe Ginny because she had her annoying moments.
the marauders--except Peter he can go die again.
The Heir of Slytherin--What? Well it's not really my fault that I like evil people... I'm just odd like that.
Godric Gryffindor (I'm a proud Gryffindor leave me alone, jeez)
Professor McGonagall
Professor Dumbledore
Mad Eye
(wow I'm having character block lol Damn... I can't think of any more)

t h e c o v e n a n t
the sons of Ipswich... Okay listen I dislike Kate, and Sarah because Sarah is just ugh. I'm sure everyone hates her just as much as me. I don't like Chase Collins because he's a douche bag and evil. Is that so bad?

s u p e r h e r o e s
Wonder Woman
The Green Lantern (Hal Jordan and John Stewart)
Dick Grayson
Barbara Gordon
The Green Arrow
Kid Flash
Superboy (he's so angsty on Young Justice it's pretty funny)
Okay pretty much the entire Justice League of America.

b u f f y t h e v a m p i r e s l a y e r
Pretty much everyone but Dawn for the most part.
I love Anya, Spike, and Tara the most though.

And I think that's pretty much it huh? This went on for too long lol. Well uh yeah that's all I guess.
February 28th, 2011 at 11:37pm