Sick of it all

I am so sick and tired of everything! I just don't know how much more I can take of everything. Life sucks, I'm not happy and It's gonna be a long time before I am.

So first off, I got an after school detention for no reason, and when I say no reason. I mean no reason. It's off my science teacher who hates my guts, and I'm not joking. He's here just to make my life a living hell.

My dad keeps on telling me off, saying he's gonna cancel all my gigs and as of now I'm not going download festival anymore! Just because of that one bloody thing! It's beyond stupid and I honestly don't see the point in it. Does he want to make my life anymore shittier then It already is?

If he shouts at me one more time, I swear to god I'm walking. I refuse to stay in a place which makes me feel unwelcome. I can't stop crying about it because it's upsetting me so much, I'm just give up.

I don't care so much about anything anymore. I just give up, I can't take all the crap that's going on and the stuff above is just some stuff. I've got many more things where that came from!

I just have no idea what to do with my life anymore.
March 1st, 2011 at 05:34pm