When I walked home from school today, something happened which pissed me off

So, I'm gonna tell you about what happened when I walked home from school today.

OMG. I got pissed like hell. So, I was walking with my friend's younger brother cause he was going to a house near mine for a friend's birthday party, and when I walk back home from school, you have to cross like this mini bridge above the railways so that you can cross to the other side without getting killed by a train.

But anyways, so yeah. On the bridge, there were like this group of boys; you know, like THOSE kind of boys, and I know they were THOSE kind of boys. Like those fucking dumbfucks who are retarded little fucktards. Yeah. Those kind of boys.

So, like, they were a group and they were around my age (13-14, I think) and they were smoking and all that, thinking they were all cool cause they smoked. Douchebags. We managed to get past them without doing anything, and I was like, "Well, that's good; at least they didn't do anything," to my friend and he was like, yeah.

Or so we thought...

We were walking down the stairs attached to the mini bridge so we could get to the other side of the railways, then they SPAT at us from up in the bridge. Eww. They actually spat like right in front of me, but it didn't get me (thank God for that) or my friend (thank God for that too). They nearly got me so I was still pissed. My friend and I walked faster but tried to act cool and casual, so we could get further away from them and their fucked saliva.

We parted ways after that cause he was going to another house, which was near mine, but not exactly in the same place as mine. So we were like bye, bye, and whatever, then my friend said to me, "Oh my God, I'm getting chased," but he didn't exactly shout it. We were still quite near that we could hear each other. And I looked back and saw the boys were like running down the stairs, and I was like "Oh God" too, so I walked even faster, and luckily for me, my house was right near, but my friend still had to walk for a little longer.

I don't know what happened to him but I hope he was okay. I wanted to kill those pathetic asses who need to commit suicide so that I don't have to kill them myself.

Three years I've been walking that same path every morning and afternoon, to and from my bus stop, and I never experienced something like that at all. Yeah, I've gone past people like that, but they never did anything, or anything to an extent of spitting at me. Every time I see people like that though, I have to admit I get a little scared cause I don't know what they'd do to me. I hope my friend's alright.

Whewww. This is a (kinda) long journal entry, lol. I just wanted to share that with you Mibbians out there. :D Thanks for reading, if you read up to this part. :)

[ I re-posted this so I could get comments. xD ]
March 2nd, 2011 at 06:03pm