dreams....they are so wierd

so i had a REEAALLY wierd dream last night where my friend ruby was being force fed baby food by her mom and then it switched to me trying to find her but couldn't remember if she had taken the car or her bike. then the scenery changed and i was doing a wierd pen commercial in gwen stefani's body with this old gay, cartoon guy. (for the record, i have no objection toward gay guys, just stating the facts here if anyone is wondering.)

and i started painting him in this black mascara body piant stuff. then i was a cat named sagwa from the old chinese cat cartoon that used to be on 4kids and i was talking with a blue dragon about how he knows famous people and that he would introduce someone to me because he had taken a liking toward me. so i asked who it would be and he said Matt Samson, who happens to be my worst enemy but who i also might unconsciously like a little bit, so it was kind of wierd to experience....long journal entry....
March 2nd, 2011 at 06:39pm