Banners, anyone? (Comment Swap)

Okay so I have recently come out with a new story called "Passion Play" (which can be found here) and I don't really seem to have many comments, readers, or subscribers. So, what I'm trying to do is kind of boost my stats on it and maybe get a few comments.

Here's the deal: if you want a banner, I'll make you one if you comment my story! :-)

There's only one chapter and it's really short, and if you like it, maybe subscribe! I'll update it tomorrow, and all of my updates will be (hopefully) really frequent. All I'm asking for is just one little comment and I'll make you a banner for whatever story you want!

Just leave the title of your story and a short summary of it either in a comment below or in a message, and if you have specific characters you have picked out, let me know who your face characters are and I'll try and fit them in the banner, too! :-)

Thanks a lot!
March 2nd, 2011 at 11:49pm