Very Funny Conversation Between My Friend and I

So, we need to break into Gerard's house and 'borrow' a drac mask.
and 'rape' him too.
and get an autograph from Lyn-Z
and go 'd'aw how cute' to bandit.
then go 'OH SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET' while we run away from their body gaurds.
then go to LA and break into Frank's house
and kidnap him
then go back to Jersey and surprise adopt Gerard and Mikey.
and then keep them in our closets.
feeding them and pleasing them regularly.
then take them to school oneday and be like ', can they enroll here?'
he'd be like 'how old are they?'
'well, these two are juniors(G+Mikey) and he's a sophomore(Frank).'
and then rub it in a lot of people's faces.
becasue over time they would come to love us.
and not be terrified
and then we'd all make babehs!
and all that shit.
March 3rd, 2011 at 04:47am