I couldn't be happier!

Let me paint a picture for you.

On the 22nd of february 2011 your world is turned upside down and you are shaken to the core. Thats right, another earthquake hits Christchurch devastating the city and taking many lives.

You and your four week old son are fine but your fiance and one year old daughter are amoung the missing. Your house is trashed, the pipes under the house are burst and coming up through the floors flooding your house but have to stay because you have no where else to go. You have no power very little food or water and obviously no plumbing. You have no way of contacting people as you are out of credit after reporting your daughter and fiance are missing. Your car in headifrst into a sink hole and the street is covered in liquifaction preventing you from getting out. You have nothing but the clothes on your back a baby bag and a few blankets along with some baby formula and a very small amount of water which is only used to make up milk for your son. You are continuously shaken as aftershocks continue to hit. You are exhausted, only sleeping maybe five hours in the past week as you are to scared to sleep incase another aftershock hits and your son gets hurt.

You finally contact a friend exactly one week after its happened. That was the state my friend was in when she finally contacted me on Tuesday. I was horrified. I quickly got her credit so she could contact friends and family and then seek help to get her out. No one would help her though and a lot of her friends and family told her she should be amoung the missing too. Sick right?

I did everything I could for her but nothing was helping her getting out. I was only just managing to prevent her from giving up hope completely. By Wednesday afternoon she only had 600mls of water and enough milk formula for two more bottles for her son. She had given up hope and no matter what I did I couldn't convince her to keep fighting. Being stuck in the North Island I felt pretty shit and usless for not being able to do more.

But yesterday morning I got a text. "We are out ! xD"

I couldn't have been happier! Her fiances work mate had found out that her fiance was missing and went to see if she was okay. After finding her in the state she was in he got her out got her food clothes and tok her to her mums who she hadn't been able to contact.

Now she is safe and is so happy and greatful to be out. And well I couldn't be happier!
March 3rd, 2011 at 10:50pm