A Glorified Angry Rant Not Worthy Of A Proper Title Part 2

I don't even know what to call this. Am I angry? Well... yes, but is it a disguise for something else? Well... yes. I suppose the sources of my dissatisfaction haven't really changed much, Tyler has been removed from the list; I dealt with those emotions, and a couple of other things have been added in his place. Ah yes, it was my own stupidity and naivety that landed me in this situation. It isn't really even a situation, more of an emotional state. Whatever, it still sucks.

Jordan. I don't really even know where to start with you. You've done this twice now. You had me admit that I liked you, made me think that you reciprocated those feelings, and then you go and do something like, oh, I don't know, get a girlfriend without even having the fucking balls to tell me. I'm even willing to place money that it's Hayley that you're back together with. I shouldn't have hoped to get any better from you; sometimes you just have to lower your expectations, I guess. It all makes sense, I guess, considering that we live quite a ways apart. You're seventeen, I suppose it's okay for someone you're age. It's all about having something to fuck, eh? Next time, just leave me out of this. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Third time's the charm, and I learned my lesson. Thank you for proving that all teenage boys are assholes; it was a lesson I was hoping to avoid for a couple of years yet, but thanks for setting me strait. I clearly needed it. Just fuck off. Kay, thanks.

Nicks. After the hell you put me through, you expect to still be friends? No. Not even a fucking chance. I'm not going to be your friend only when it's convenient for you. I just don't have the patience anymore.

Myself. It's amazing how you continuously manage to wind up like this. You're clearly an awesome judge of character, I mean, just look at the people you choose to waste your emotions with. Yup, you just scream intelligent. So, now what are you going to do? I'm thinking that you're going to sit here and sulk, or submit to some form of pathetic vice as opposed to picking up the pieces and just shutting up about it. Yup, that sounds about right. I must say, you are nothing short of pitiful. Were you honestly expecting a different outcome? No? Then what the fuck gives you the right to sit here feeling like this. Nothing? Okay, then quit moping and do your physics homework. I swear to god, you are the sorriest sight I have ever laid eyes on, and that is really saying something. Just get over yourself.

There you go. Do I feel any better now? Not really. Oh fucking well.
March 3rd, 2011 at 11:17pm