Dolores, You Put Down That Cheesecake!

Listen, if you've ever read my journals before, why do you kid yourself into thinking that the title has anything to do with content of my journal? Quite silly of you, if you ask me.

Dear Female Teenage Mibbians,

Let's say you're going to the prom. (If you don't know what a "prom" is, it's a social gathering of young acne-faced humans in eccentric clothing where we are supposed to have the "best night of our young lives". There is, at some point, music and food.) You buy a nice dress. It's fits close to perfectly and it's a nice color, yadda-yadda-yadda.

And whoa.

Someone has the same dress.Dum, dum, dum.

Would you care? Honestly?

No, this isn't sarcasm because I would actually like to know. To the 20+ Mibbians, though your sage advice is always welcome, you may or may not be completely connected with the scary and unpredictable place "Girl World" has evolved into. Though, please, I do request your advice as well. To the angst-ridden/pubescent Teens out there, what's your take? Cat fight, or shrug your shoulders and continue reading Twilight for the third time?

I do want to know because I decided to get the same dress, (color and what have you,) as another girl. Now, I personally wouldn't mind so much if I were in her shoes. But, being a completely naive child, what the fudge-nuggits do I know? This girl could be wallowing in misery for all I know or, on the contrary, could not possibly care that much.

Still, I am planning on just talking with her the next chance I receive. I mean, she's seems like a very reasonable young woman so who knows?


1)What do I do?! What do I do?! Whaaaat skadjdkfjsd What advice do you have for me?

2) How was your day today?

3) BONUS!!! Complete the sentence: "I am woman! Hear me _______!" (Hint: it's not "roar" and a certain Professor said this in a musical that started with an "A" and ended with a "Very Potter Sequel"
March 4th, 2011 at 05:18am