Three steps to happiness

Hello world. =)

I'm writing because I just read something that confuses me.

I know you're not supposed to care about people you went out with, especially after you screwed up that relationship to be with someone else, but it turned out they were using you so you felt like shit (can I say that?) But I like to check on him because deep down I still care what happens to him.

What is cheating in a relationship?

Kissing someone else? Having sex with someone else? Making googley eyes at someone else? I guess it's all of these.... aw damn it... now I feel terrible. sigh.

But I'm gong to say something now that probably sounds terrible, but it's true.

I have three steps to no longer cutting, being depressed or contemplating suicide.

First I quit working at Mc Donalds. The pay was terrible, I only got two four hour shifts a month(if i was lucky) And I hate customers.

Second. I dumped my depressing boyfriend. Sure we were both depressing as each other, but his family actually loves him, he can't see that though. I saw it every time I went to his house. Sure his mum wished I'd go away, but she cares for him. I never cried once after we broke up either, it's like all the tears dried up.

Third. I dyed my hair and decided who I was and tell myself every day that I'm pretty and I'm worth something to someone out there. =) I didn't ditch the black though, it's a part of who I am.

I think I shall dye my hair purple next =)
March 4th, 2011 at 10:23am