What should I do???

My girlfriend and I have been together, for about a year and a half now. And we have really been through a lot. But lately, I have just felt.....irritated by her all of the time. It seams that lately her idiosyncrasies and her immaturity have just been rubbing me the wrong way. She tries so hard.....and I know that, especially for the bit of issues she is having at home....but it just seems like we are fighting all of the time! I really don't know what to do any more.
Should I tell her it's not working and move on? Or should I try to get through it, because God only knows that her and I have both hit some seriously rough patches in our life........maybe we just need to work through them?

I don't know.....what do you think?
March 5th, 2011 at 07:04am