Madison Piercing and Depressing Weekend.


Well after my long a rather depressing week of soundwave blues, my bestfriend who has had a shitty week also what with her boyfriend being put through the ringer for having sex with some goose looking girl; we got another piercing each.

I got my long awaited Madison piercing.

I’ve been debating over this one or getting my sternum done once again but I decided to jump in the deep end; I only live once you know. Besides my piercing it’s been a pretty long and lonely weekend, baby sister gone out having a life and so much for mates PSHHH.

So I’ve had a lazy fat weekend, I got Chinese for dinner Friday after work and hired out like every classic Disney movie I didn’t own and watched them. Then repeated it all over again Saturday night, pretty sad weekend right?

Oh well the Little Mermaid was great but the third one was horrible between the actual plot and her mum dying I wasn’t impressed; actually I cried like a bitch about it for a good ten minutes but now I’m ranting since I’m still suffering from weekend blues.

I’m going now, GOODNIGHT!

- a m b a, y e a h?
March 6th, 2011 at 12:47pm