And she walks through her old schoolyard with snow sparkling like stars in her hair...

Hello everyone again,

Just updated Flight of a Dragon, which by the way will soon be switching names to "The Gift of Flight". I can't believe it's actually going somewhere, bear with me for the next few chapters, as I have to make up the myths, and they aren't so fun to make up.

Oh the bright side, Criminal Minds marathon tonight! Super pumped. Pretty Little Liars tomorrow. Don't know what it is about PPL but I love it <3

Hmm, other updates.... well I've been going crazy without seeing Lexy, my usual riding horse. I decided it was getting out of hand when I came up with this:

There's something about the relationship between a horse and a rider. A special trust knowing that once you get up on that gorgeous creature, it's her job to take care of you and keep you from falling. Because if she wants you off, she'll get you off.

That's the relationship between Lexy and I. Get this, I live in Canada right, so we're known for our snow. I've decided Winter hates me, because spring tries to come, but winter keeps saying "nahhh" and tosses another freaking snowstorm our way. Lemme explain:

We are the lowest lot on my road. And we're in the country. So when it rained like there was no tomorrow, we knew we were in for lakes in our back yard, again. Turns out, the little ditches had frozen over (because it will be really warm, then REALLY cold so the snow melts then freezes then does it again). So my dad and I were out there trying to dig the ice out and redirect the water around our backyard. In other words, my dad encouraged the water to go the other way, and I stood on the soaked ice (just under mid calf depth. Yay rubber booth) breaking it up, and piling it in the passage to our backyard. I slipped and got soaked, but I survived the first two hours :P

Anyways, this thursday looks like a maybe for horseback riding, if this water doesn't freeze and the rain keeps off. But who knows, the weather is changing like crazy.

Now for the name of this entry: I was at my old school a little while ago. It was fantastic, but cold. Snow can be crazy, it took forever to get it all out of my hair, but I came up with that line.

message me if you want. I'm on like all the time. I just don't update my about me, since I'll run out of quotes. Tell me what you think of The Gift of Flight, I'd love to hear about it

March 7th, 2011 at 01:37am