Partner Story?

hai there! my name is Danielle. i have wanted to write a partner story for a long time now. if anyone is interested, comment on this journal or my profile!

okay, so the person who i do a story with should have a similar writing style to my own, as well as the same writing topics. i'll read some of your stories, and you'll read some of mine? ^.^

my favourite topic to write about is romance. i haven't written any slash yet, and don't really plan on it soon. i have so many other ideas in my head, at the moment.

i love brother/sister incest. the whole "forbidden" aspect of it intrigues me. incest isn't all i write about though.

actually, one thing i DO write about quite frequently is sex. >.< hehe.

alright, so does anyone want to do a partner story with me? comment please! C= thank you, and have a fantastic day.
March 8th, 2011 at 01:56am