Love. Only four letters, and yet it can either make or break a relationship. Everytime you turn around there's either commercials, songs, or little kids throwing it around. Half of the time, it's just attraction & the thought of having someone that will put up with your crap. Not saying that love isin't real, because I believe in it 1,000% - but, I believe in true love, not that stuff they throw together in movies that make girls think "If a maid can find a prince charming, I can too." & then every guy that comes into their life, they try to give them everything so they'll stay around and have that "Happily ever after" crap that movies brain-wash our hearts with. Bruno Mars said "Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss, had your eyes wide open. Why were they open?" Just incase I'm the only person that caught this, how in the world would he know her eyes were open unless his were open... exactly. I'm not placing all the blame for heart-break on guys, because face it, girls can tear you to pieces just as bad, if not worse than guys can. But, girls have Taylor Swift to speak our minds for us if we don't want to do it ourselves, she can talk about having a great guy, losing him, & then talk crap about his next girlfriend. No one can tell you when the right time to say I love you is, because no one truly knows. Love isin't like planning a birthday party, you can't plan out every step; because then it won't be special. And, after you break up with someone or get dumped & say, I don't love him or her anymore; then you never loved them at all. If you truly cared about someone, you will always care about them. Yes, in time, it may fade - but they will always have a special place in your heart because 99.99% of the time, they're the person that used to make your heart beat super fast, and made you get that huuuge smile across your face everytime they walked in the same room as you. Correct? I think so. Whenever we were little, we played "M.A.S.H" and planned things such as what kind of house we would live in, who we'd marry, how many kids we would have, and so on. And, everytime we would get a boyfriend, we would write "Mr. & Mrs." whatever his name was all over thousands of pieces of paper. Everyone has thrown around the word love before whether it was when you were 10, or 17 - you're guilty of it. I don't really have a purpose for writing any of this, I guess I just got the urge to write :) I know that tons of people have been through heart-break, and if you haven't you're lucky! It's just time for people to grow up and realize we're not five anymore. Don't say you love someone, unless you do. Or, don't say it if you plan on leaving - because it's going to make it that much harder for them to let you go. My daddy told me that "Every good relationship has to have fights, because you have to be able to make mistakes, and then be forgiven for it." That's how you learn I guess; you live, you learn - you crash, you burn. There's no way of getting around being hurt once you let some into your heart, but you can't wear it on your sleeve - because that gives them the opportunity to hurt you even more. I guess that's all, xoxo <3
March 8th, 2011 at 02:05am