
Hey there! It's been such a long time since I wrote something here... Kinda sad, I know, but my life is just like a snow ball that keeps getting bigger! It's kind of my senior year (I'm not american so the senior year they have there is different from mine but I don't know how to say it in english, so let it be senior year, easiest way) and my school only talks about study study study, we have to choose our colleges already and we don't ven have weekends anymore... It's just for one year, that's what I keep saying to myself. Anyway, this week is Carnaval here! So, one week without classes! I am not a big fan of Carnaval, it's really beautiful and all, but it isn't my cup of tea. So, I finally got some free time and I can sleep, go to the movies, go out with my friends and all that jazz. It's been great, but soon it will end, so sad... Well, I have like five days left so stop complaining!
I just got back from a friend's house, we had a kind of sleepover, it was reall nice: movie, games, conversations... Everything that we really needed 'cause school is eating away our lifes! And I even got a new pjs!! Haha, that was awesome and it has a huge cupcake print on it! Love it! Now I'm back home, laying on my mom's bed while she's studying french. The fact that she's learning French is really really awesome! French is just so hard but when she speaks it is really sweet.
This journal is like a bit unecessary but I feel like I need to write something, I have tons of things on my mind right now and I really feel like talking and making new friends! Go figure, those moments when I really feel like opening up and talking so much are pretty rare.
Well, I just remembered, also unecessary, but I had my hair dyed this week! Yay! It's blond now! Not completely blond because, according to the hairstylist, my hair is so dark that it will take really long for it to be completely blond but someday, eventually, I will get there, you guys will see it!
Today I also watched Monsters Inc. Man, that movie is so cute and amazing and Sid is awesome! That made me remember of my summer at Disney this year, wow, one of the best trips ever. Rapunzel and Flynn became my best friends! Haha, I sound really dumb but my love for Disney and my dream of working there will never go away. And I also remembered about one of my best friends who's spending Carnaval there! So amazing, I kind of wish I was there too but plain old home is also nice.
Okay, I guess it is time for me to stop rambling and go do somehting. Bye bye people!

ps: Sorry any english mistakes, I'm still learning and trying to get it right.
March 9th, 2011 at 01:45am