Being Precious | Headaches | Jeffrey Dean Morgan | Jensen Ackles | Cowboys

I was watching SPN and it was the episode where Cas digs Adam out of the ground and at the scene where Zachariah is in the bar and things start shaking and a it gets bright and theres that noise and the patron's eyes burn out their heads, my sister's boyfriend was like "Why? Why did that happen?" and I was like "Uh, Angels." and he was like "ANGELS DID THAT?!" Ugh, it was great.


I still have a b-tchin headache and it won't go away no matter how much pepsi I consume or how many cold things I press against my forehead. Ugh, it's so terrible. And now I have a stomach ache on top of it all. And my sister's boyfriend is snoring now.


I forgot how beautiful it was seeing Jeffey's butt in P.S. I Love You. It was great. In fact I remember being smitten with him way back when, before I even knew about Supernatural. And then I watched SPN and became smitten all over again except I'm older now and so I had a dirty dream instead of just pre-teen daydreams about him.


I'm gonna have to say that I'm disappointed that there aren't a lot of movies out there with Jensen Ackles in them. There's a few of Jared, a few of Jeffrey, but only like two of Jensen. It's sad, because I would love to see his beautiful face more often outside of Supernatural. I mean, Supernatural isn't going to last forever, right?


April 15th needs to get here ASAP because I really want to see my boys cowboy'd up. I don't know where people are getting these scenes from to make gifs but everytime I see one I jizz in my pants because my god.
March 9th, 2011 at 02:45am