Why does writer's block currently hate me? / TELL MEH YO STORIES!

I haven't even bothered to be on this site in weeks because I'm stuck on a story.

I need to read some Doctor Who fan-fiction to get my writer juices flowing.

Smile if you ready Doctor Who in a British accent, and you're not British.

BUT, it's not limited to Doctor Who, I just won't read gorry stuff, and where they cuss every two seconds.

I try to stay away from band-fics, but I'll read the first few chapters just to see.

And I might write another Zelda One-Shot for fun, because there aren't many Zelda fictions, or video game ones for that matter.

All the things I like, it seems I'm the only person who writes about them. It's silly but true!

I'm serious about my wirter's block being bad. It's really bad. It's sad bad.

On a random note: I might write a Sonnet.
March 9th, 2011 at 11:01pm