advice please? I am a little confused.

So I just need your opinion.

So I am really close to this who I have been friends with since my freshman year ( I am a junior now). Well we have had Spanish together for three semesters now. Well thing is starting at the beginning of august he and I would go and study together. We would go to eat and then study while we were there. Which is totally cool because I mean we are friends. Well after the first few times he would pay for my meal. I mean nothing was ever said. He just picked up the ticket and pay for it. Well that is still happening. I really want to say something but I really don't know what. I mean if he is doing out of kindness then that's totally cool but if he is doing it cause he likes me then I would like to know.

So on top of that, my friends have been telling me all this time that he and I go on dates all the time (because he pays for my food). So I was just wondering, what is classified as a date? Also what should I do? I am so confused and my head hurts from thinking about it. I almost just want to keep my mouth closed because he is graduating in December and leaving to go get his masters. So I am just really sad about that little fact.

Thanks for reading about my confusing life.
March 9th, 2011 at 11:44pm