Let the Flames Begin

Hey Guys its been awhile since ive posted a journal on here so here ya go!

So Im not sure if i mentioned that i lost my job over stupid drama but i got another job as a receptionist making 2x more money with 2x the hours so im happy!

Right now im supposed to being doing a paper for my English class but my mind is elsewhere, hence the update for all of my lovely readers =]

Still working on my story with Slytherinchicks123 (a.k.a my best friend Laura). Its getting really good! If you havent read it yet you should... The Dark Lord's Mistress.. Thats the name of it =]

The title for this entry is based upon the song 'Let the Flames Begin' by Paramore,,, its been stuck in my head for the past week or so.

This Spring Break has been fun. I got to spend time with my 'sister' who goes to the University of Florida so i dont see her much. I also got to hang out with my friend Cassey who has become like one of my best friends :)

Hope you all are doing well! Im gonna go watch Phantom of the Opera now!!! *Overture begins playing*


<3 WishMaster
March 12th, 2011 at 03:06am