Why I Deleted that, New Story Prieview, and Recomended List.


You might have noticed that I’ve taken down two of my stories: Waking Up Nude and The Secret Language of Boys. And if you haven’t noticed, well then this really doesn’t concern you much does it?

So this is basically to explain why I took them down and blah blah blah, you know the drill.

Waking Up Nude:
I took down this story because every chapter was a filler it felt like. And I was more excited about the sequel then the actual story. But don’t worry I still want to see where this one could go. Right now it’s completely deleted, but eventually I might re-post it, even if a few things about it are different. The story to me had no real point, I had an idea in mind when I started it but as I was writing so many things about it changed and I think I just need to sit back and think about where that story could possibly go and how I could write it with less of the fillers that it had, because it seemed as if every single chapter was a filler to me. So don’t lose hope! Someday this story could come back and it could be great, but that day is not today, sadly.

The Secret Language of Boys:
Some of you may know about my long history with this story. This is the third time I’ve deleted it form mibba, but unlike Waking Up Nude, I didn’t take down the story page, just the chapters, because I knowt hat this story will be back. I’m going to try to write this story for awhile without posting it on mibba because it’s just less stressful for me that way. But I love this story and the plot and the readers and everything about it. So the fact that it’s gone right now is subject to change, because you guys know that I love it. And maybe it could get even better, plus since I’ve reposted it my writing style has changed yet again, and I want to write in that style more because it’s easier for me and it makes the story more entertaining. Like Waking Up Nude I felt like there was just too many fillers and I want to figure out how to take some of the fluff out of the story, I hate fluff.

But before you go check this out:

Keeping Sunshine

I’ve had this idea on here before, but now a few things about it are going to be different. The main idea of the story is still going to be the same, just some of the details are going to swapped out for (hopefully) better ones. And who knows, The Happiness Project could also make an encore appearance, I’m feeling my old stories right now especially The Truth About Girls which I miss dearly. Anyway I guess I feel like a throwback… well there’s no harm in that to me!

I also have a joint story coming out soon with a few of my favorite authors on here:
xlaura17x, mumford and sons., voidoids, and jolie sophie.
the story is still under construction so there’s not much I can tell you about it except it’s the idea I had from the Journal asking for recruits! It’s still titled American Royalty and so far it’s even better than I ever imagined it being.

So on that note, does anyone have any stories they want to end up on my recommended list? Think yours is good enough? Pimp it in a comment.

And before you go! Check it...

March 12th, 2011 at 10:11pm