Prof. Callahan: "Smell this." Emmett: "What is it?" Prof. Callahan: "Her resume" Emmett: *sniffs* "Smells good"

So that was a quote from, of course, Legally Blonde (love that movie, I swear my mom and I narrate the whole thing). Since I'm one of those "smart blondes" I thought it would be a good time to put that out there.

Now for the blonde moment. So I wrote out the myth for GoF (Gift of Flight) and, blonde mistake #1 I wrote it at ten thirty at night. So I needed to run it by one of my friends. So the first few days, I forget to bring it to school, the next few days I forget to give it to her. Then, right before she leaves for a hockey tournament, I catch her and give it to her. Blonde mistake #2, it's spring break this week which means I don't get it back til next monday, as that was my only copy. I'll probably start writing it, as there is SOME interesting stuff before that.

So now that I'm done with the updates on updates, how strange, onto my personal life! My coach got back to me, her house is a TOTAL mess and apparently needs time to dry out (she described the arena as a total "swamp"). But, the weather is doing the sun/rain/snow (as proven today when it snowed for maybe a half hour then melted an hour later. So no horseback riding until April. (I'm going to die. I am SO upset :( you don't even know)

On the bright side, I went shopping yesterday. Yay clothes! Ya... that's it for that....

Umm, I started training my dog. Or attempting to. I have these animal trainers I'm totally obsessed with. I follow them on twitter and facebook, also get emails monthly, and check their blog updates, for BOTH systems (bird training and dog training). It's really discouraging. I don't know why I bother training with my parents there. I've started with something simple, so my dog learns to learn. And my parents NITPICK THE WHOLE TIME! I don't usually train with them there. I had gotten my dog to go to his bed without my saying/doing anything. It was going great. Today I was making him put his head in the bed (I don't know what he was sniffing in there but it was working for me) or when he stood close to him for a while. But, my parents just don't get it. Ugh, I told them that their method hasn't worked for the past seven years and that they should at least give mine a chance. They shut up, but then started watching hockey or going to bed. It's given me something to do while taking my mind off Lexy, my gorgeous horse (well she's not mine, but I feel like it) whom I miss terribly.

Uhmm, what else is new in my boring life? Not much. Training takes up my time, that and thinking about whether or not I should start saving for a bird. I don't think I will yet, but I hope one day I can.

Crush wise, I still don't think I'm over a boy from the beginning of the school year, who likes someone else. I'm so tired of it! I finally fall for a guy whose considerate and DOESN'T have anger issues. The guy I mentioned before, an old crush who really had me freaked out, was getting really angry about something in his life (relationship related) but I don't want to disclose info. Anyways, it was getting out of control so I calmed him down. Ironically, I've done that a lot. Is that not sick in some twisted way? Well, this guy was DIFFERENT. It was nice for a while, before I found out he had a crush on someone else, because we were pretty good friends and he is just a nice guy. But then he fell into the same category of every other crush, who also liked someone else. Everytime. I know how that ends, so I basically gave up on that, and started covering any signs that might show I like him, as he was kinda figuring it out. But he spoke about his crush infront of me so I suppose he got over that thought. Man, highschool boys sucks. They are either immature and arrogant, or perfect and crushing on someone else. I doubt I'll date my senior year.

Well, that's my updates. But I am so pumped for what's going to happen in GoF. My little twist, the big inspiration to start writing again, is going to be great! Just saying... well, this story is actually semi nearing an end, and I've been working on another story to bounce ideas off of and keep my mind working. It's about this girl, she's a werewolf (not typical werewolf story). She's spent her whole life on the run from something, and is willingly mute. She finally stops in a town, and meets up with the wolf pack there. Kinda interesting to write like that. Anyways, do you guys want me to put it up here once I'm done GoF? Right now GoF is my most important thing, but after that I'm switching focus to this mute werewolf story or my Children of the Stars story (btw, I have like 18 chapters, but I write that one by hand and am HORRIBLE at typing things out again :P).

Well, message me people. Nothing more inspiring then the thoughts of one's readers. Tell me where you think I'm going, what you think this big myth is. It's pretty typical, not gonna lie, but it has it's twists, and was kinda sad to write. Anyways... I'm a bit unsure about the ending of GoF currently, so I'm leading both either way. It's mainly one thing I'm caught up on. But yeah... now I'm rambling.

Goodnight mibbians and my faithful readers.

I know I'll miss church if I do :P

March 13th, 2011 at 03:47am