
I know I haven't really been on lately, but it's not because I've lost interest!

You see, I didn't know that 'Pokemon Black' and 'Pokemon White' came out on Sunday, so I obviously rushed to get myself a copy once my friends showed they'd already bought said games.

I got 'Pokemon White' (I like the black Pokemon, okay?) on Monday, and was then pulled into a haphazard scheme by my friend to get three people all three starters.

And I had to restart the game SIX TIMES to do it.

By Wednesday, I had finally done it, and have pretty much been playing nonstop ever since except for short bursts of writing.

This does NOT mean I've lost my muse for 'Young Justice: Destiny'.

It is still there, I assure you. Unfortunately, I just have a tendency to obsess over the new Pokemon games for the first two or so weeks of owning them until I get either frustrated or bored. At this rate, actually, I'll beat it soon.

So no worries! Once I have all eight badges and beat the snot out of the Elite Four and the Champion, I'll be back with another chapter!^^
March 13th, 2011 at 03:39pm