I need a break

There is just too much stuff stressing me out and getting me down right now and a long break would be just the thing to make it better.

But that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Anyway, for the past 2 weeks, we had some french exchange students, and my friend had one. So the french student and I quickly became friends, so on Friday, her last day in the US, I cried when I saw her, and cried after she left. It was sad. And to make things worse, one of my guy friends was saying that I became too attached to her and that I have a problem doing that... and I don't. She was like the nicest person and stuff, and not like those creepy nice people, and she was funny and crazy and just fun to hang out with, so you know, having to see her leave was really sad. ): I still miss her, and I still now, find my self crying from all of it.

Then, during english, I saw the guy I liked (possibly, but I don't know for sure) kiss that bitch, during class. And lately, I've noticed they've been awfully close. And I just hope that they aren't dating ( since that would mean the world would end).

what else... Lots of stress from school... SATs (with my mom threatening to send me to my ghetto base school if I got into another accident, which, i don't see how that would help, plus if she did, I'd die there. I don't fit in, everyone there is ghetto, and I'd be better off killing myself, than risk getting shot or possibly killed at that school), and then I was literally on empty gaswise, so when I went to the hair salon, I like broke down since I called my mom so many times trying to tell her, but she never answered, the SATs from not too long ago also stressed me out and yeah. so of course, my hair stylist got after her when she came by. And hen I had a debutant to attend. And I got home late from getting my hair done, and I still had so much to do, so my mom was like getting pissed off and everything just because I wasn't ready. So that made things worse. And then during the party, I saw that the french student left a comment on my wall saying she liked the gift I gave her and that she missed me. ): and that almost made me cry.

Then today, I have like so much to do which incliudes studying for the Unit 3 test in French 4, and no one knows anything about the passe simple or anything else. And to add to that, my french teacher decided to speak in all french, so we don't understand a thing she says. AND SHE WENT OVER THE GRAMMAR IN FRENCH WHICH SHE SAID SHE'D NEVER DO!
I also have APES to do, which will take at least 3 hours, and then my mom was telling me that I should clean out my car, and she said it with the most annoying smile on her face and I swear, at that momet, I really just wanted to punch her, but I couldn't so I went to my room and cried. Then she asked me why I was crying and I said I was stressed out with everything. And she didn't even give a shit. It's as if this whole week she doesn't give a shit about how I feel or what I had to go through. Like friday, I cried all day since the french student left, and when she gets home, she yells at me, making everything worse, just because I didn't want to park in the school parking lot during the SATs since last time I tried, I got into an accident and ever since I've been so scared to park near cars.

I just need a break, and all that's going on is not doing anything to help.
March 13th, 2011 at 10:34pm