Talking To Myself

I've been thinking lately how to make myself come across on my about me section on various sites.
It's funny, everyone looks for someone who sticks out or is unusual.
I think people hear about me from friends etc, and they have these high expectations that I could never reach.
Apparently I'm amazing and a great person, it's not that I don't see this it's just that I'm me.
I don't see myself as amazing or horrible, well not anymore.
I'm just me really, I can't appear to be anything other than that.
When I write my about me sections I always get so fussy about it, I don't think 1000 characters can ever truly describe a person or give you an insight to them.

I guess that's why it's better to meet in person etc.
My about me section is probably really boring, compared to what's cool or interesting.
But I guess that's just it.
My about me section is about what interests me, I love writing, music, singing, art, literature, being inspired and love to talk about good things.
I like to talk about my hopes & dreams, rather than my fears & nightmares.
I usually am all for focusing on the now, but if I am going to be honest I'm more focused on the future right now.
That isn't always a bad thing, I'm looking forward to the future no matter how scary it might seem.

I care about things that may seem silly to others but I will defend them because they have a significance in my life.
That goes for musicians, books, authors, and art.
I don't like people declaring works of another human being, shit or bad.
“There is no such thing as a immoral book or moral book, books are well written and books are badly written”
In short, things might not be what you like but that does not mean they are shit.
We say we are all the same, but we're not.
Truth is we were born with free will, the freedom to like what we like.

Anyway I'm going off topic.
For anyone who looks at my profile and thinks it's boring or anything.
I can't come across amazing.
I'm not amazing.
I'm not perfect.
I'm not horrible.
I'm not mean.
I'm just me, Shannon Purcell.
I can be mean, I can be nice.
I care too much.
I can be stubborn.
I can be hot headed.
I can be helpful.
I'm clumsy and silly.

But that's all that makes me who I am.
I can't make my about me section appealing or dazzling because I don't know even how to do that.
People tell me I'm great and amazing, yes it is nice to hear and I thank them for such a high opinion.
But I don't see how sometimes.
They say it's cause I care and I'm honest etc.
Isn't that what everyone should be?
People should care about each other regardless of any silly little things in the past.
And if you want my honest opinion, I will give it.
I'm not going to lie when you need a second opinion.

I'm Shannon.
I love writing.
I love to be inspired and be amazed.
I love beautiful things, scenery, art etc.
I find the strangest things fascinating and I am easily happy.

I can't make myself come across as interesting.
Because it really depends on what you like and find interesting.
You have to get to know a person before you can say anything.
Because about me sections, I've noticed they don't really do much.
I can tell you on Facebook who inspires me and what music I like.
But there is no why under those subjects.
So you just have to know a person and talk to them I guess.
I'm totally talking to myself writing this so yeah, thank you for reading.
Much appreciated!
March 14th, 2011 at 12:00am