My sweet sixteen! And my first dance! [pictures]

Hello, as some of you know my birthday was last Sunday, the 6th. It was my sweet 16, and so my parents brought me on a cruise to Mexico. It was a blast and I'm so so so so thankful to my parents for taking me, but there was one problem. It was a LGBT cruise, and now, I'm totally fine with homosexuals, and all that jazz, some of my family and friends are homosexual, but what I really dislike is the demand for attention the whole group of guys brought with them.*

Don't get me wrong, I would hate it if a straight person did this as well, but it was just like they were forcing people to notice them, and that they were gay. To the point of actually ruining some of the activities the boat had put on.

There was also a "sober group", and ya know what? I'm okay with that too, be sober! All the more power to you, but when you win a celebratory champagne bottle, don't stand up to the mic in front of about 200 people and say "I'm going to give this away, because I don't drink, because I'm better than to sink to the level of drinkers." That's not okay, you don't say stuff like that in public.*

Another thing about the cruise, it we went out of California, and were supposed to port on Friday at 6 a.m., but because of the Tsunami, they closed all of the ports and we were left stranded on the boat for hours. They had us terrified that either a. we were going to die on the boat because of the tsunami, or b. we were coming back to total destruction. It was terrifying, and really made me think that I could litterally die any minute. But to find out, the tsunami just feels like a small wave while out at sea, and it didn't do hardly any damage to California, but out in the middle of the ocean, knowing none of this and they tell you that you are probably going to need to go get your life jacket, and wait by the rescue boats, can make you cry.

But other than the occasional group of obnoxious people and tsunami, it was fantastic!

I'll post pictures later, of our time in Cabo San Lucas.

Oh, and I went to my first dance. It was just with a friend of mine, Max, or you may know him on here as mexicanmusicman
Here's a picture.
Ain't we cute? We look like total dweebs, but that's okay.

1. What did you do for your last birthday?

2. Have you ever been to a dance?

3. What is your favorite movie?

*=I am in no way homophobic or against sober groups, these are my own opinions and are not specifically bashing a person or a group of persons
March 14th, 2011 at 03:57am