A lot can change in a year

So, it's March and in less than two months I will be 20 and thinking back on the past year, I realize that everything has changed. Nothing about the old me exists, with my new life came a whole new me.

Since March 2010, I have gotten used to my job. It's no longer just a job, it's my life. I have pretty much given my soul up to my manager in return for a paycheck. It's not all that bad though, it can be fun at times. The people I work with are nothing short of amazing, and unbelievably fantastic. The people who shop at the store on the other hand are the complete opposite.

I have also moved out of my parent's home, the home I lived in for nearly my whole life. At first I lived with my best friend of all time and her friend, in an apartment next to some of my friend's friend's friends. That lasted a little over a month. We all became close, practically family. Then we found a ten bedroom house and we all found the money and we moved in together with a few other people we knew. Then my friend moved out and went back to her parent's house because the bill just got to be too much for her. We all still live in the house, but the lease will be up in July and hopefully I'll be stable enough to get my very own place. It's nice living with so many people but sometimes it can get kind of loud.

I got my very own car. My dad bought it for me. Since my brother blew the engine on the van i was driving right after i got my license, I had to help my dad buy a 93 Explorer from a guy he knows. I drove that most of the summer and I grew to love that car. I named it Galactica. Then my dad decided to go out and buy me a better car, I really wasn't expecting anything nice. Then one day he shows up at my house in a 02 Accord. Black with a sunroof. And the best part, my dad is making the payments and paying for my insurance. It's my baby, i would die if anything happened to that car.

Which brings me to my next point. I do not understand how I did anything without being able to drive. I drive so much now days, I can go through a tank of gas in a week. And it's not like i go places. I go to school, work, my parent's, and my boyfriend's. I just drive a lot.

In August I started college, it's epic in every way. Epically awesome, epically crazy, epically boring, and epically time consuming. The first semester i started out with only 9 hours. That was a piece of cake, so i decided to take it up a bit further this semester with 13 hours. While I love all of my classes, I still hate going to them. one is at 8am, and actually kinda fun, the next would be way more fun if the teacher wasn't completely boring. My nest teacher is just plane crazy, and then I have my drawing teacher who is just plane awesome in every way.

And as the days pass, I grow to love my life more and more. I never take a second for granted. Any time that I get to just sit and relax, I take full advantage of it.
March 15th, 2011 at 08:30am