Overpopular Florence + the Machine song...

...will be the death of me. I really love Florence + the Machine, don't get me wrong, but why do her songs have to be soo uber amazing?! I love the song Cosmic Love and wanted to use that title for my Draco/OC fic...nope. THREE other stories on Mibba with the same title. I sure as hell am not to be number four. And I had this AMAZING banner made already with the title and everything...now I have to come up with a new title. Argh. I might use something by Ellie Goulding or Imogen Heap but I don't want to use a whole lyric line for a title and no titles of their songs really fit... :/ DILEMMA!

But I think the theme song for that Draco/OC will be Wait It Out by Imogen Heap. That totally fits perfectly with what I was going for and I may just use it for a chapter for my Damon/OC fic. Gahhhh, I love Imogen Heap! She's like so amazing.

I still need a title though.

March 16th, 2011 at 01:56am