Prom? I'm a freshman!

Okay. Hello there Mibbians, Ashlie here. It seems I have a problem. On Saturday morning, I started talking to this boy, and we hung out that afternoon. We really hit off and have been texting adorable things nonstop since then. He told me he really likes me, and he's going to ask me out once we next hang out. Now throw in something else.

There's this senior at my school. We've been friends since halfway through first semester this year. At the end of first semester, he admitted to liking me but that he wouldn't act on it seeing as he's a senior and I'm a freshman. Well today after school in the main hallway, he asked me to prom and I said I would get back to him tomorrow.

Please help me. I have no idea if the boy I've been texting will be mad, but after I told him about my prom invite he added "..." to the end of his sentences. I dunno. Oh jeez.
March 16th, 2011 at 07:12am