Live Journal and DeviantART

I recently got a Live Journal...but I can't figure out EVERYTHING about it. I mean, I know how to work somethings, but other parts, I'm confused as shit.

Aways, does anyone want to help me out here by giving me some advice/pointers to the website. I really like the site, but some help would be nice.

Other than that, I would love it if someone would tell me they had a Live Journal too, so I can talk to them :D
I get bored and I really just want to talk to people and I figured out how to put a pingbox on there so it should say "Keepin it Ugly....." and something else when I am online and "Dracs interferring with signal" when I'm offline. It's really cool and it'd be great to talk to some Mibbian friends :).

^link to my livejournal right there^

In other news, I am also in the Drawing Business and of course have a deviantART! SO! Here'd the dee-li-oh; I am going to start drawing for people (Because of a certain person [who shall remain secretive on Mibba] who's possibly making me a banner). Of course, it's always like MCR stuff, so I figured, "Why not draw Killjoys for them?"

So if you would like a Killjoy character, then just message me and tell me you'd like one. The best place to catch me always, would be on Live Journal with my Pingbox. All you have to do is enter a Killjoy name (just a name to call you by) and i'll reply to you!

I'll make sure to post a picture of my Killjoy (and what I've worked on) so you can get an idea on what I do for a living (mcr ref. people.)

March 16th, 2011 at 08:47pm